
Adrienne Chandani | Ajay Rajul | Audrey | Freya Qyr | Hithla Taln | Kall Rayth | Kalliway Eldenfhyrran | Lokan | Lyala | Rụnệ ur Atum | Terr Sye | Tiger Lilly Qas | TiLana | Valeana | Veron |


Adrienne Chandani

Adrienne is a young woman of 18, who had been forced to grow up beyond her years. She doesn't easily show emotion and is normally in defense mode, causing her to be so skeptical towards strangers. She's constantly afraid of being stabbed in the back, and she remains cold and aloof towards most people. When she was 10, her parents were killed, and as she had no other siblings, she was left alone in the world. Ajay offered her a place at his own home, but being rather independent and too proud to live on other's charity, she turned him down, spending the next 8 years on the streets, fighting for her own survival. She still maintained a good friendship with Ajay,though, visiting him and talking with him often, and he, fearful for her safety as she roamed the streets, taught her what he'd learned about using a sword from the master living near him. So she is now an expert with a sword and a match to be reckoned with. She has raven black curly hair and dark gray eyes; she is slim and of average height.

Not quite liking the fact that his friend was roaming the streets and stealing her food, Ajay, who was now an apprentice for the apothecary, managed to get her a job as a housekeeper for Keenan Makos. She's very glad to be off the street, and she's satisfied to stay as the apothecary's housekeeper because she's doing work for her food and lodging, and not merely living off another's charity.

She's extremely quiet around new people and is not one of those girls who always knows what to say at the right time. She's more of an observer than a participant in most things, and prefers to think things over before making rash decisions. Going along with her quiet nature, she's a deep thinker and not very quick to trust people. She evaluates everyone first, figuring them out before offering her friendship. When asked for her opinion, she doesn't normally sugar-coat things and tells it how it is. She's extremely loyal and honest to those who she respects and is close to. One of those people is her best friend, Ajay Rajul, who she’s known since childhood. They grew up together, and she depends on him a lot since they’re so close. He’s one of the only people she will confide in.


Ajay Rajul

Although Ajay at times appears to be quiet, he is intelligent and isn't afraid to voice his opinion. Ajay can be naïve and sometimes too trusting of people. He's an apprentice to Keenan the apothecary, and has a desire to further develop his magical healing skills. Ajay lives with Keenan, so he can get the most out of his studying. He is Gyan, and realizes that to get the most extensive healing training available, he would have to know a Graylon. Already he wields a great power in the art of magic, he needs that skill shaped by one who understands the true art. Ajay has spent his childhood with his inseparable companion, Adrienne Chandani. With weapons, Ajay is very handy with a sword. Although it is a weapon used mostly by nobles, he learned how to utilize it from a master who took residence near him during his childhood. Ajay then taught Adrienne.

Appearance: Tall, with cerulean colored eyes, and ebony hair that's closely cropped to his head. He's about 19.



Ever since she was a little girl, Audrey has been prepared for battle. As a custom of her people, the Talerans, she learned to control her emotions and use them to her advantage. She's been trained to fight using hand to hand, sword, knife, arrow, you name it, she's done it, though not all are very developed. Her fortes are hand to hand and sword fighting. Her father was a major general, so she also learned a lot of strategy from him.

Her appearance--do you really need to know that? About average height for a seventeen-year-old, her blonde, wildly curly hair goes down just below her shoulder blades, and it frames her lightly tanned face and icy green eyes. She's muscular, in a lean way. She's quick and graceful, almost like a cat, while fighting, but can be almost clumsy when around friends and relaxed.

She came to Arya as a result of her country being attacked by a land north to Arya. Her family of five older brothers, father, and warrior mother, was killed in the battles. The war had been going on for almost fifteen years when Taler was finally defeated, only by the sheer number of the enemy. Taler was, after all, a very small country. She was sold into Arya as a slave to Yorr, the evil lord trying to take over the land. After almost half a year working in Yorr's manor, he stationed her in his illegal mines to dig out precious rocks and things. And that's where her story begins...


Freya Qyr

Originally from the country, from the district of Hajnal, Freya's parents came to Este not long ago. Though only sixteen years old, she speaks many of the languages used in Arya.

Small in stature, with dark hair and inquiring eyes, Freya has always been fascinated by words. An old woman in her village taught her the different languages of Arya, and now Freya has a chance to practice some of the dialects spoken only in the city.

'Freya' is a slightly provincial name; there is a Freya in old Aryan folklore who is supposedly some kind of moon spirit.

Observant and reflective by nature, Freya finds her diverse companions interesting, though not always likeable. She has seen much suffering in Hajnal, where the people are poor and vulnerable. Her own parents are rich, but many of her friends and relations there were poor, and therefore peculiarly open to the sickness that has recently raged through Arya.

Freya's father is a minor nobleman, who had been settled with his family in Hajnal for years, until his fortunes took a sudden turn for the better. The Qyrs are now able to live in a better style than they were accustomed to, and in quest of culture and refinement moved for an indefinite time to Este. Though looked upon by those of a higher-ranked nobility as upstarts straying out of their class (which, in all truthfulness, is what the Qyrs are) they are slowly beginning to establish themselves, if not as the highest-born family in Este, at least as one of the richest.

Having been a noblewoman all her life, Freya has been generally sheltered and spoiled by her parents. Though not naturally immature for her age, when hit by the harder aspects of life she has been known to break down under the shock. But slowly she grows to know love and hate, pain and joy, laughter and sorrow, and to accept them all.


Hithla Taln

Hithla is about 5 feet tall. She's very small boned, and slight of weight. Her eyes are almond shaped…the coloring of her eyes is so dark that at times they appear to be black. When she experiences different emotions, different colors appear. Ex. When she's in a dangerous situation and is filled with adrenaline, Hithla's eyes may take on a emerald hue. Her hair is scarlet in color, wavy in texture, and long in length. You'll almost always see her with it bound atop her head so that it doesn't interfere with anything she's doing. Hithla's skin is pale and fair, but not at all to the point for she looks sallow or sickly. Contrasting with most redheads, Hithla doesn't have any freckles.

Hithla is a Gyan, but holds no hostility towards the race of the Graylon. After all, she loves one of them.

She handles weaponry quite efficiently. You'll most commonly see her with a bow in hand, that's what she's most experienced and able with. Hithla picks up other skills quickly, as she is very intelligent. She is magically inclined toward getting visions, and is experienced in several types of sorcery, especially warfare.

As a noble and a woman, she isn't expected to do anything if she has no desire to. Hithla is barely in cities, as she finds she does not have a high tolerance for the masses of people that inhabit them. But she is an excellent fighter, and does not lack in courage when it comes to battle.

Hithla attempts to hold her emotions at bay and do what must be accomplish at the present time. She is a horrible liar since every emotion she feels is plainly expressed on her face. Hithla has a very bad temper that she looses quite often, and finds that she is greatly lacking in patience. She has a desire to do what is right, and can sometimes come off as harsh, when she is really just trying to protect her feelings. Sort of that bark, but no bite. Hithla has become more reclusive and temperamental since the disappearance of Lokan.


Kall Rayth

The son of a wealthy noble, Kall has been pampered and doted upon throughout his life. His wishes were met -- until the fateful day he and a few others organized a hunt for Lokan. Here his old, carefree life was ripped from his hands, replaced with one of danger and adventure -- and above all, equality. He found love and hate, pain and warmth, and friendship, in all kinds; an entirely different world from the one he had been previously exposed to.

Kall has golden-brown hair and charming blue eyes. Before the quest started, he was much like a womanizer. Of course, his views changed as he began to see the more painful side of life.


Kalliway Eldenfhyrran

Eldenfhyrran is the family name of the rulers of Sanys, meaning 'one who lives forever'. The Eldenfhyrrans have always regarded themselves as something more than merely mortal, having ruled the mountain kingdom north of Arya for many generations. Many members of their family have distinguished themselves, but perhaps none more so than this young king.

Highly educated in the magical arts, he is one of the most powerful sorcerers ever to live among men. At thirty-two years of age he has already made his kingdom stronger than it ever has been before with the summoning of a demon army. He has trained and overseen this army himself, for Sanys is not the only country he desires to rule over. He has decided to extend his sway over the land of Arya as well.

Having decided he needed an ally inside Arya itself, Kalliway eventually contacted Yorr, a minor wizard in the south of the land. Together they have agreed to bring the demons into Arya and sieze control of the country.

These facts make Kalliway seem a brutal man, with no respect for human life; and he is. But he is also a kind man, who will go out of his way to save a human being from destruction. He had no qualms about executing various Aryan nobles simply because Yorr had an old grudge against them, but he also had no hesitation in saving a slave woman and her child from separation and a cruel fate. Kalliway sees no reason why he should not take life, as he sees no reason why he should not save it. He is courteous and condsiderate; he is cruel and unrelenting. Extreme good and extreme evil exist side by side in his heart, and he sees no contradiction between the two. He is capable of arousing both great hate and great love.

Of average height, with dark curly hair and blacky-blue eyes, the years seem not to weigh on but to hover around him. His face is smooth and young, but he has an air of age. As Sanysian king he is gentle and patient when dealing with his subjects. When treating with friends he will exercise charm, with enemies complete control. He is slowly stretching his hand around Arya, and he does not mean to let it go.



Lokan, of the old Graylon nobility, fled Arya two years ago during the Civil War. The Graylons, or Blue Sorcerers, are known to possess strong magic, which they generally keep to themselves. Lokan's family was friendly with the Talns and the Rayths, and though Lokan is naturally introverted, he came to accept Kall as his best friend, and Hithla as something even closer.

When the Civil War came, and with it the Graylon Massacre, Lokan was driven even deeper inside himself. He saw his family killed, and Hithla torn from him. At last he was forced to flee Arya. He conjured a magic portal and vanished through it into the Lands Beyond, where no human had ever ventured. There he lived alone, unable to contact anyone back in his land. For he still felt he belonged to Arya, no matter how he tried to convince himself that when the Aryans rejected him, he had managed to reject them as well.

Lokan has continued to practice his magic in exile, living in complete solitude. A naturally reticent individual, he nevertheless occasionally feels burning attacks of loneliness. During times like these he will allow himself to think of Hithla, even if the longing drives him nearly mad.

Now worn thin through privation and hardship, Lokan's face still bears the stamp of nobility. He is very tall, and will still hold himself erect. He holds his spirit erect as well, for he is determined that the sufferings thrust on him will not break him.



Lyala and her family moved from Arya to a small cottege in a forest near Este when she was six. Both her parents were Graylons, but fearing what would happen to their daughter if she knew the spells, they denied her training. She never left the forest until a year after her parents died. She was seventeen then.

She is quiet. And most of the time serious. She likes to sit and watch intead of join in. And she tends to day dream. A lot.

She is tall and slender, with hair past her hips the color of raven feathers. She has tan skin and icy blue eyes.


Rụnệ ur Atum

Rụnệ ur Atum is from a land across seas called Talera (the same land Audrey is from). He traveled with his parents across the seas when he was seven; they had hoped to make a new and better life in a new and better place. The place they came to was Sanys, the northern neighbor of Arya. A few years after their settlement in this new land, Rụnệ's parents died of a disease, which originated in Sanys, brought by all the immigrants from foreign countries. Years later, the disease somehow spread south to Arya and ran its rampage within those borders.

Meanwhile, Rụnệ struggled on as a slave, switching hands from one master to the next and switching cities and towns and lifestyles. His final master was the head of a popular traveling gypsy band; a very wealthy and renowned gypsy band, which only played for dukes, kings, rich lords and other nobility. Rụnệ managed to escape form his master and made his way to Este, where he met up with Lyea, Kall, TiLana, and all the others.

Rụnệ snatched his freedom and he wants it always. He will guard it with everything he can. He doesn't really trust people for a while and he knows that his former master will always be keeping a shrewd eye out for him as the gypsy band continues to travel to different towns. He has a mark on his left, mid-back, the mark that identifies him as a slave, which is a lot like a cattle brand mark.

Rụnệ ur Atum is medium height with black hair and pale skin. Coming from far away, he naturally has an accent (I'm not entirely sure what it sounds like, so use your imagination!). He has smooth, inscrutable brown eyes. His build is lithe and slim, which is what made him such a popular acrobat when working for the gypsies. With all the masters he had, they all taught him different things for the various tasks they expected him to perform, without realizing what a danger they were creating for themselves.

Rụnệ is inscrutable. He's hard to make out and he hardly shows any emotion at all unless he specifically wants to do so to somehow manipulate or prove a point (e.g. he might goggle at a gold plate or fawn over a little dog only if he wanted to create the impression that he was harmless, but then that's hardly an illusion he would want anybody to get into their heads, so he's not at all likely to be so sappy). He mostly just observes people and learns what he can with his dark, unnerving eyes (ahh, doesn't that just sound mysterious?). He's learned a lot of various things from all his various masters. He's ruthless and only kind if he truly respects somebody, but then because he's so untrusting, his respect is hard to gain. In his life he feels he has to be the one to look after himself and he is very independent and guarded about letting anyone close to him. So inscrutable, brooding, unemotional, isolated, and maybe ruthless would be the words to best describe him.

So there you have the basic Rụnệ.


Terr Sye

Terr Sye is a noble who was friends with Lokan. His father, being a Graylon, was killed in the revolution. He's calm, adding his mind when needed, and worries about his friends. At first he wasn't too sure about having Freya along, but soon he was learning the virtues of her company.

Terr's hair is golden-blonde and is cut short. His eyes are purple, and he is 6'3" tall. Age? 23.


Tiger Lilly Qas

Tall, slender but strong from always being outside, always running away from her step-parents. She is tanned a light honey-brown and has delicate features. She isn't over tall she is 6'0 and has waist-length chestnut hair, dark- coloured but bright, green almond shaped eyes. They sparkle and dance. They are one of the nicest things about her. She is very beautiful but not with the blonde- curls and blue eyes way that most of the nobles have around her, she is strikingly beautiful.

She is wild and outspoken, she is not ladylike like all her 'friends' who are annoying and, she thinks, she stupid. The only person she really likes is Klaera and also a few of the stable boys at her castle. She loves riding and fighting. She is a very, very good skilled fighter and she rides beautifully and naturally. She loves life and everybody who meets her knows this. You cannot help but be drawn to her love of life and her warm heart. She is generous (after all, money has never exactly been a problem) and she loves people, she likes to surround herself by people and they are glad to do so. She is stubborn though and wants her own way. She also has a large temper but it goes away as quicly as it fires up. She loves adventure she is alert and quick witted. She also has a very good sense of humour and is funny.



The strangest member, perhaps, of our little group, is only seven inches tall, and not at all human. She is something of a mix of snowy, pygmy, and great-horned owl, sporting snowy-white feathers flecked with brown and the fluffy ear-tufts of a great-horned. Her huge amber eyes can seem deep and wise, but most of the time they sparkle with amusement.

TiLana is by far the youngest member of the group, being only two years old, but do not be fooled; although she can be frivilous and silly at times, she can also be serious when she needs too. She was raised in the home of a magician, who bestowed her with the powers of speech and mindspeech, but who was not kind to her. Eventually TiLana escaped from his care and flew to Este, where she met and joined the seekers of Lokan. She now acts as a messenger, scout, and spy, with her small size, flight, and minspeech as her advantages.

TiLana loves to help out whenever she can, and is always glad to make her companions laugh, especially Rune, who rarely cracks a smile.



With cherry black hair and bright blue eyes, Valeana is very pretty. But this is the least of her atributes: she can see into a person's soul by looking into their eyes.



Veron is vain and arrogant. His favorite past time is watching people succumb to his powerful wizard's will. He is a tall, lean man, with medium-length black hair that he keeps tied back in a black strip of leather. His skin is sallow, almost sick looking, despite his constant efforts to make himself look younger.

Veron is jealous of true witches andwarlocks, like Esheya, and flat out contemptuous for Graylons, though he has little right to be. Veron likes to control people, and he would love to find a way to steal away any magical abilities he found in others. Veron only likes women he can pick on, and you can be sure all his servants are the scurrying, utterly-loyal-through- fear type.

He is, again, vain and arrogent, and when it comes down to it, he may not be a match for the other sorcerers of Arya. Then again, he might be.



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